Self-Directed Project

At the end of the 50s, the works for the drying of the Antela Lagoon, one of the most important wetlands in the Iberian Peninsula, both in terms of extension and ecological diversity, began in the Limia region (Ourense), with the purpose  to dedicate the land conquered to the water to agricultural use. Some studies... Continue Reading →

Signifier – Signified

In 1986 Kodak launched an advertising campaign for his new color film VR-G, in which, in addition to a series of television commercials that emphasized the realism of the colors obtained with this film, they included two "3D" billboard designs that were placed on the busy highways of California and Florida to capture the attention... Continue Reading →

Of Mother Nature and Marlboro Men

The author begins the essay highlighting the resurgence of landscape photography in different publications, and how middle class audiences view the landscape as a form of expression without political or ideological content, which appeals to timeless values. Origins of the term Landscape: history of European art, pictorial genre emerged in the Netherlands in the seventeenth... Continue Reading →

A subjetive voice

Each of us projects onto the landscape the result of their own experiences. The landscape takes root firmly in some of our most intimate feelings: the land that saw us being born, the place where we grew up and we were surprised by knowledge, the terrain furrowed by the scars of our pains, but that... Continue Reading →

The British landscape during WWII

Taylor's article confirms some of the notions I had about the way in which  World War II was lived in Britain: the continuous bombings (Blitz), the children evacuated to the countryside, the feeling of solidarity patriotism among people who put forward the defense of the country before any other type of individual interests ... Perhaps... Continue Reading →

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