Assignment 1: Tutor Feedback

Your assignment is very good; the contextual catalyst was quite poetic and apt; man has indeed subdued and now beaten the land. A successful element in your commentary is the use of conflict terminology and the beginnings of politically contextualising your work; starting with the title of ‘Invasions’ to making possible allegories to the recent... Continue Reading →

Assignment 1: The beauty and sublime

In the book of Genesis is narrated how God created the world in six days, and as the sixth day created man in His image and likeness, urging him to dominate and subdue all the creatures He had created before: "And God said to them [male and female]: Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth,... Continue Reading →

Alexander Gorsky: Pastoral

There is something ironic in the title of the book 'Pastoral: Moscow Suburbs' that Alexandre Gronsky published in 2013, a project where he explores the bordering areas of the megalopolis of Moscow, and where some of its inhabitants seem to have found an "idyllic" space to the solace and the fleeting reunion with "nature". These... Continue Reading →

Square Format

For some months now, I have been post-processing and cropping some of my pictures in 4: 3 format, instead of using the 3:2 format that a full-frame camera provides. The truth is that the original 2:3 format that comes out of the camera, although it works reasonably well when used in "landscape" mode, seems to... Continue Reading →

Adrian Kinloch: Liminal Spaces

The concept of liminality was described by the French anthropologist Arnold Van Gennep (1873-1957) in his work "Les rites de passage", to describe - in a ritual process - that intermediate state that lies between the preliminary or previous state and the post-liminal or later phase. Due to this transience, it is a state characterized... Continue Reading →

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